Wednesday, March 28, 2012


This tickles me so much -- that tongue! It means she's concentrating. 

The girls have been enrolled in an after school sewing class and next week will be the last class of the session. Alex wants to continue but Sammy has had enough.

I really would like Sammy to continue but she says she'll get to have more play dates if she weren't sewing.

So far Sammy has made a hat and a snake for her sister, and she's currently working on a purse for her American Girl Doll. Alex is still working on her first project -- a sleeping bag for her baby dolls. I'm hoping that they'll learn how to hem pants.


  1. What a wonderful skill for two such young girls to learn! Amazing, I really didn't think girls even learned to do this anymore. I'm sure your Mom will be teaching them to knit and crochet one day too. They'll definitely appreciate it late in life when they are buying their own pants and skirts!

    1. Charlie, Alex is really enjoying sewing. I signed her up for the next session so that she can advance to other projects. And yes, maybe my mom can teach her how to crochet and/or knit some day too.


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